

If I think back to my childhood, I cannot say I was dreaming on doing a specific job. I guess I had been thinking of being a fireman, a police officer, etc., to show that not only boys can do this kind of jobs. I also wanted to be a princess because they all had beautiful dresses. But I already pictured my life with a husband and children. It was mandatory. I dreamed of a simple life.

Today I am in adequacy with what I imagined, it feels good. A simple life without worries … even if concerns remain somewhere, not far away.

Having children changes your priorities. I don’t want to live exclusively for my children. I know one day they will leave the house and live their own life. And they won’t need me as much.

I try to maintain a balance in my three lives: woman, wife and mother. It is important to enjoy oneself first and foremost, to feel good as a woman, to continue to have a social life outside your family. Today I have my husband and two children. I filled the contract I had with myself. Even if it means nothing. That’s how I saw myself as a little girl and I feel peaceful. Life is about being happy every day with what you have. I would like to keep this peace of mind as long as possible.

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