

My favorite topic is food, food … Eating.

When I know I will have trouble getting up in the morning, the day before, I will prepare in a delicious breakfast so I have something that makes me want to wake up … Believe me it works!

It is also a great motivation to do more sports, knowing that I can continue to allow myself some good food, and maintain a pretty good physical shape at the same time. Everyone is talking about having fun while doing sport, I am more the kind of dreaming of the cake waiting for me after.
If I go to the restaurant, even a new one, I already know what I will order because I analyzed the online menu before going there. Pleasure also comes from imagination.

When I travel, it’s also one of my pleasures. If I had to choose a country to travel to, I don’t want to seem too Julia Roberts, “Eat, Pray, Love,” but it would be Italy, the country where I ate the best. Otherwise I would like to go to Africa. Rather Sub-Saharan Africa, where there are lots of different spices, I never tasted.

I have already wondered if I should find a job related to food and my conclusion is yes … and no. Yes because the sector is great and constantly evolving but I think you need to have a very specific talent in this industry. And that’s not my case! If the idea is to continue doing the same job I do today but in the food industry, not sure that this is the ideal. Tasting tasty food is my way to escape, to change from my daily routine. So, for now, it’s better to separate!

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