

What I like about my job is to work with people. My job is very intuitive, it’s about instinct: you must observe breathing, muscular relaxation, expressions … Understand how you live your body in time and space. There are many different techniques to reach the goal you want to achieve with your patient. It certainly raises a problem of standardization, but it allows me to have a lot of freedom in the way of seeing my job and to avoid the standardization that I hate.
I like the accompaniment and the therapeutic aspect: I had troubles at school, I felt like I was in the wrong place. From the moment, I started to be accompanied with affection, and in a less centered on tasks way; the reading, the spelling, … everything became fluid.

I was asked to write lines, to read at loud while I felt so uncomfortable doing so… as soon as I could play, paint, sing, I did not have any problems. In my work, training to succeed does not bring improvement: I approach the problem more as a symptom of something else and I try to go deeper into the accompaniment. Finally, that a child knows how to calculate does not matter, what interests me is that it does not affect the rest of his life. Rehabilitation is about setting a goal and getting the person to achieve that goal. Therapy is getting along with the person and walk together to see where we can go. My work is primarily about prevention.
I’m happy to have feedback from families, it helps to encourage me, it’s rewarding.

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