

Truth is I don’t know what I want. I’m thirty years old and I feel like I’m stuck in my life. In the way I was raised: you study, you take a flat, and if you find a long-term job you do not quit it. I am going a little against it now.

It may be my thirty-something crisis. I decided to do what I always wanted to: take a year off. Just for me. Start with a trip. Even if the idea of leaving alone scares me a little. I do not even go to the cinema alone. It has been decided for three weeks and I have already thought about my itinerary.

I want to demonstrate to myself what I am able to do, become aware of my limits and my strengths. I lack confidence in myself, it’s going to be a real introspection. Subsequently, I would probably consider a to do professional reconversion. Or maybe I’ll continue along the same path, and that’s fine with me too.

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