

I like to paint. It’s my hobby. I paint at home. Last year I started to join painting classes. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to paint, but I never really took the time because I was focused on studies. Because that’s what my parents wanted me to do.

Before becoming a teacher, my first priority was to become an interior designer, but I did not get in because. I failed the drawing exam.

Only lately, I pushed through something I really wanted to do. I used to date this guy, and I was a lot into him. And I lost myself. I forgot about me, about what I liked to do, my activities, my hobbies… Since we broke up, I am painting again, and since I started back, I have the feeling I found who I am again.

Life is funny. I got rejected because of the drawing and today painting is helping me to be myself.

When I started to draw, I realized that an artist is literally just painting. Most of the tie it does not have any meaning. People give meaning to it. But if the painter just wants to paint this, it’s just because he feels like painting this. Sometimes when we go to the museum we think about so many things about a painting, but it’s the person who gives perspective into it. Arts provokes other people’s imagination. What you see in a painting says a lot about who you are.

I am learning more and more by experience. You have to test how to use colors and textures, different angles. Like in real life, you learn by doing.

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