

I left my job at a big company at the beginning of the year to travel to Latin America. A need to breathe, to change air.

I dreamed of work for about a month and a half. I got up in the morning and remembered conversations I had with my former colleagues, or an issue on a work project. It’s not so easy to let go. There is a feeling of guilt. It was quite difficult at first to tell me that I had the right to take time for myself, the right to have had enough of working, the right not to follow what is expected from you.

When you travel, you have time. At first, I set up the alarm clock for fear of missing things. And one day I thought to myself but why are you doing this? You have no obligations, you have the right to sleep. Just let it go. And it felt good.
During the trip, what I liked most was to talk to people. Allowing myself to tell me it does not matter if I have not seen such monument, because I have met people who have taught me much more, it was priceless. My trip gave me plenty of ideas about what I wanted to do for the “after trip”.

A change of life. I will start studying again, and more especially take time for me, redo activities I did not pursue while I was working.

There are plenty of possibilities. Today I cannot see myself working for a large company, as I have done so far, but why not on short-term contracts.

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