Jieun 1


In December I went back to Seoul for one month. At the end of my business trip, I found a benign tumor. The doctors advised me to get an operation as soon as possible. I rescheduled my plans and stayed in Korea for a while.
After the operation, I tried to change my lifestyle to prevent recurrences. Actually, the main reason for changing my lifestyle is fear. Fear of having this to happen again.
But I am trying to still think in a positive way. And trying not to be afraid of something that has not happened again. I thought this is really a push to live healthier and be more environmentally friendly as well.

Part of the reason for my disease was chemicals present in our lives. This is basically a hormone-related disease. I am apparently sensitive to hormones like estrogens, also any environmental hormones coming from chemicals we used in daily life. I try to reduce as much plastic as possible in my life. Starting from shampoo, food containers, etc. But living in our modern society, it’s almost impossible to cut plastic completely. I try my best.
Chemicals from food are the other issue. I changed my diet very radically. I am trying to eat organic food and less processed food. So, my diet today consists mainly of vegetables with a very simple cooking process like raw ones, boiled or steamed. Also, I try to eat food locally grown, fresher food with less carbon footprint.
In a bigger perspective, it’s more about having a good balance in all aspects of my life.

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