

I come from a family which has always loved food. And I remember, as a child, I already loved to smell the food, the different spices, the dressings… I got involved in cooking when I was about 6 years old. Family dinners. 20 people.
Food became the foundation of my life. I can learn so much every day.
We come together because of the food. We meet other people because of the food. Food brings so much happiness.
Seven years ago, I moved to Bali. It took me a year of continuous market research before deciding to open my own restaurant. I started from scratch, found the place, did all the paperwork, trained my inexperienced staff… The construction site supervisor of the restaurant became my chef.

About a year after the opening, people started to ask me about gluten-free food. I told them we have gluten-free food, “- We have rice, vegetables… -No Mara, we can also get it from the local warungs, we want something different”
From then on, I listened more carefully, started to do some research and development and finally created my own gluten-free flour, my own gluten-free recipes. Knowing the bad side effects food can have on people’s organisms, I wanted to provide a place where they can eat safely, and most of all where they can enjoy food as much as I do.
Eating rubbish food like we have been doing for the past years is not sustainable, for us and for the environment. Good food foundation could solve lots of problems.

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